U.K. Celebrates LGBT Fostering and Adoption Week

Rainbow FlagIt’s LGBT Fostering and Adoption Week in the U.K., so even though I’m based in the U.S., it seemed a good time to share some information about the event, along with stories and resources about fostering and adoption.

The week is run by New Family Social, the U.K. support group for LGBT adopters and foster carers, who organize agencies across the country to hold events specifically for LGBT prospective parents. They offer a number of resources on their website, including a list of LGBT-friendly agencies, news from participating agencies, practical tips and stories for prospective foster or adoptive parents, and more. They also run a site specifically for the week, with a list of events and other information.

Here’s why: “While 1 in 8 adoptions in Wales—and 1 in 10 adoptions in England—were to same-sex couples in 2017, 140 more adoptive families are currently needed in Wales and over 7,000 more foster carers are needed across the UK,” they say.

Wherever you live, have a listen to their new podcast (below), in which four LGBT parents from across England share their experiences with adoption.

Media outlets and others are also helping to get the word out:

  • Wrexham’s The Leader includes the story of two adoptive dads in Cheshire.
  • The East Anglian Daily Times shared the story of a 12-year-old boy who was adopted by two dads after being neglected in a previous home. The boy related, “I think it is great to have a family and parents, and they give amazing cuddles…. “If anyone else is thinking about adoption I’d say they should go for it because it makes a huge difference.” One of his dads replied, “People say we changed Thomas’s life but he has changed our world.”
  • The South Yorkshire Times is passing along the call for more LGBT foster and adoptive parents.
  • The Gay Times profiles two foster dads in West Yorkshire.
  • Huw Irranca-Davies, the Welsh Minister for Children and Social Care, is also encouraging more LGBT people to consider fostering or adoption.

Keep an eye on the #proudtofoster and #proudtoadopt hashtags throughout the week for more stories, information, and other good stuff from agencies, city and county councils, and others.

If you’re in the U.S., you might also want to take a look at my own, U.S.-focused lists of resources for LGBTQ foster and adoptive parents and prospective parents.

Kudos to New Family Social for once again helping more children to find forever homes through this week of awareness and celebration.

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