What LGBTQ Family Topics Need Better Media Coverage? #LGBTMedia17

LGBT Media Journalists ConveningI have the honor of once again attending the LGBT Media Journalists Convening, as bloggers and journalists from both LGBTQ and mainstream media gather next week in Orlando, Florida to share ideas, hone our skills, and discuss issues relevant to all of us. I therefore have some questions for all of you.

What do you like about the way the media (mainstream and/or LGBTQ) covers LGBTQ families these days? What do you dislike? What do you wish they’d keep in mind? What topics need more coverage and what voices need to be heard more? Please leave a comment! I’ll try to keep your thoughts in mind during the conference, next Thursday evening through Sunday morning, and share back some of the takeaways.

Please also visit the LGBT Media Journalists Convening Facebook page, where they’ll be webcasting several of the talks—on objectivity, storytelling, pop culture, and more. Watch the page for talk titles and times. You can also follow #LGBTMedia17 on Twitter. Thanks!

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