Thank You: Blogging for LGBT Families Day 2013


Wow. Thanks to all of you who contributed one of the more than 100 great posts to Blogging for LGBT Families Day, and who helped spread the word via your blogs, Facebook, and Twitter. I hope you’ll take time today (okay, let’s be realistic; over the next few days) and read through the posts.

I’ll be doing the same, and highlighting some that catch my eye for one reason or another. I’m delighted there are posts representing the full LGBT spectrum, including LGBT bloggers, parents of LGBT kids, children of LGBT parents, and allies. It’s wonderful to see new blogs on the list, as well as those of you who have participated in some or all of the previous years.

And yes, if you somehow missed getting in a post yesterday, you can still submit them today. (I’m a mom; I understand unexpected emergencies and general chaos.) Just complete the form below.

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