Ellen’s Message About Bullying

I’m preempting my Weekly Political Roundup this week as our community grapples with the recent string of bullying-related suicides. Here’s Ellen on the subject—well worth watching if you haven’t yet.

Afterwards, go check out columnist Dan Savage’s “It Gets Better” project, a collection of YouTube videos with messages of hope for LGBTQ youth.

May we and all our children—in the broadest sense—have a safe weekend.

2 thoughts on “Ellen’s Message About Bullying”

  1. Wow: we were on exactly the same wavelength today. This stuff got me past a half-month’s long (house remodel purgatory-induced) blogging drought.

    Very hard times, these. Particularly when Dan Savage’s project was launched before suicides number 2, 3, and 4. Incremental and conditional visibility for some, in some realms (popular Hollywood films; Emmy award-winning cable or network TV shows; bitterly-won civil rights in a few states) belie the enormous threat out there for everyone not sheltered by money, community, or sufficient emotional resources.

    So much more to do.

  2. I appreciate Ellen’s message on all sorts of levels, especially the fact that she references society, essentially, condoning the hateful language and merciless bullying. We all need to hold ourselves responsible for the culture of intolerance.

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