But How Do We Support Same-Sex Partners In the Military?

president_obama_thumbPresident Obama called for the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” last night in his State of the Union speech. Bravo. I hope the LGBT community—and all citizens who want to see our military strengthened with all who wish to serve—hold him to that.

Here’s my question, though: Once we allow gay men and lesbians to serve openly, will we allow them to serve with the full range of benefits due any servicemember? Including spousal benefits? Including benefits for their children even if they are non-biological parents and stationed in a state where they cannot do a second-parent adoption?

I’ve gone on about this before, so I’ll just point you back to that post.

Could the repeal of DADT be the domino that sets off the chain towards federal relationship recognition, or will the fear of such recognition be the sticking point that once again delays DADT?

I sure hope somebody has a plan.

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