2010 Rainbow List Is Out

Library BooksThe 2010 Rainbow Project Bibliography is out!

The Bibliography is a list of recommended titles for youth from birth to age 18 that contain “significant and authentic” GLBTQ content. The titles are chosen by the GLBT Round Table and the Social Responsibilities Round Table of the American Library Association. This is not a list of every children’s book published with GLBTQ content, but rather a set of books chosen by librarians for both quality and content. The books for this year’s list were published between July 2008 and October 2009.

The Rainbow Project Web site has the full list. Below are the books on the list that I’ve written about here at Mombian, with links to my original posts.

Congratulations to all the selected authors and illustrators!

5 thoughts on “2010 Rainbow List Is Out”

  1. Thanks for spreading the word about the Rainbow List! I’m honored that Tillmon County Fire was included and send best wishes to all the other authors and illustrators, as well as readers (and blogger-readers!) everywhere.

  2. We just stumbled on Mommy, Mama & Me in the board book section of our local library! What a cute, sweet, baby-friendly story. (We are on the stage where “Baby!” is the most exciting thing Josie can see, anywhere, at any time.)

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