Organizing for Safe Schools in Minnesota

minnesota_flagI posted a blurb in my last LGBT Parenting Roundup about the Anoka-Hennepin School District in Minnesota, which agreed to pay a $25,000 settlement to the family of a high school junior after two teachers harassed the boy in the classroom about his perceived sexual orientation. I received the e-mail below from a local mother who is taking matters into her own hands and working for change, even though she has “never done any type of activism” before.

While I don’t often post about purely local events, I thought this one was a good example of community organizing and helping to create positive change in our schools, which seemed especially relevant this time of year.

Hi Dana,

Thanks for running a blurb about the situation in my school district. Monday evening was the first School District Board meeting after the incident hit the papers. The board room was full with parents and concerned citizens that wanted to let the board know their dismay with the incident and with the way it was handled, and in response to a public letter the board sent out minimalizing the occurances of such incidents. Two students, two district employees and several concerned citizens addressed the board during the period open for public comment with personal stories and experiences. They made it very clear that the largest school district in the state of Minnesota has been hiding its head in the sand, and frankly, we as citizens are fed up with it.

I have opened my home to concerned citizens and parents for a round table discussion on how to organize and get some changes implemented in our district. Phil Duran, the staff attorney for Outfront MN is planning on attending, and so far I have heard from about a dozen parents and district staff that will also be attending. I have never done any type of activism, but this to me was so aggregious, that I could no longer say that attending the PRIDE parade was enough to show support for GLBT issues.

Anyways thanks again for blogging this!

Take Care.
Robin Mavis
[Ed. note: Personal Facebook page. Event Facebook page is below.]

After the jump: The invitation to the discussion Robin is hosting.

Anoka Hennepin School District
Citizens and Parents supportive of LGBT inclusive efforts in the district

Are invited to the home of

Robin and Allen Mavis
2189 110th Avenue NW
Coon Rapids

Monday September 14, 2009 at 7:30 pm

Refreshments served

Let’s see how we can organize and get better accountability out of our school district to ensure a safe and welcoming learning atmosphere for ALL students!

Feel free to distribute this invitation to supportive citizens and parents.

*Please respond by Sunday September 13 so I know the amount of refreshments to make available.

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