Prop 8: The Think Positive Edition

RingsThe blogosphere is awash in news and analysis of Prop 8. I’m working on a more thoughtful piece of my own, but in the meantime, I wanted to highlight a few of the more positive pieces I’ve found. Call me an optimist, but I do believe in that bendable arc of the universe.

First, lesbian-rights icon Phyllis Lyon wrote in the LA Times, before the decision was announced: “I’m optimistic about the future. Look at all the states that have now done this. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. They may not all last. But it’s going to be all right. It may not be while I’m alive, but eventually it will work out that if two people want to get married, they can get married and it won’t matter to whom. We went through this before with people of color. It will be OK.”

Columnist and gay dad Dan Savage reminds us: “We witnessed an eighteen point shift in favor of gay marriage in California in just eight years. We can move another four points. We just have to stay in the fight and remind ourselves and each other that we are winning.”

Mark Morford of suggests that we “Ask the various wary, bepimpled youth of Generation Tweet what they think about those scary gay people getting married,” and predicts: “Gay marriage is a foregone conclusion. It’s a done deal. It’s just a matter of time. For the next generation in particular, equal rights for gays is not even a question or a serious issue, much less a sinful hysterical conundrum that can only be answered by terrified Mormons and confused old people and inane referendums funded by same. It’s just obvious, inevitable, a given.”

Finally, for all you law geeks out there, Radical Russ at Pam’s points out a very interesting Daily Kos diary by lawyer Seneca Doane, who says that while we didn’t win, the other side lost. How? The Court “unanimously upheld the substantive fundamental right” of same-sex couples “to [have] every single advantage that heterosexual couples do.” Doane notes that the decision “does not even say that these legal relationship aren’t marriages. It just says that the voters decided that in California, if they occurred after a certain date, we aren’t going to call them that.” Furthermore:

If you look at who won and who lost today, we lost something emotionally important and our opponents, the people who paid for Prop 8, lost almost everything of substance. In time, they will realize that the battle was really over In re Marriage Cases [last year’s case that first legalized marriage for same-sex couples], and they got their butts kicked.

So, while I’m disappointed, I’m no longer outraged. It’s hard to be outraged when a unanimous California Supreme Court just reiterated that California law gives every couple regardless of gender the fundamental right to be married in fact, even if voters have messed with the labels. Our opponents lost more today than we did.

It’s an interesting argument and worth reading in full.

Although I want to be positive, I also want to acknowledge the pain and loss of so many in the LGBT community today, especially those in California. My thoughts are with you.

Your observations, comments, and venting over Prop 8 welcome in the comments.

4 thoughts on “Prop 8: The Think Positive Edition”

  1. Thanks so much for this piece! I needed to read some positive perspective. Maybe the key word right now is perspective…. for we will win ultimately! If the 18,000 already married gay people can stay that way per the CA Supreme Ct, then that’s a huge opening ….. Can’t wait til we can fight other things, like poverty, war.

    PhebeK on Twitter

  2. Thanks, Dana.

    It’s hard to be chipper; I felt, more than anything else, bone-tired, initially, about the prospect of yet another round of this battle. The last one was so very ugly. So very ugly.

    But I do also have a sense of certainty about the outcome, in the long or even medium term. I personally hope it’s 2012 that we do this. I’m an educator, not a fighter, and I think we’ll never move the people we have to “fight,” and those we can move–the ones close to the middle–we’ll have to educate. That takes time.

    I also get it that many young folks–people who threw themselves into the last round of this, and those who woke up to its gravity only after we lost at the ballot box–are eager to dive in again. Good on ’em. If we wind up dragging into another ballot campaign again next year (which would begin: now), then I will dust myself off and lean into it again.

    At dinner after everything tonight, a small clutch of us were looking at the issue from every positive side we could, and we did find many. Ultimately, the face-to-face conversations we’ll all be having over the next months and year(s?) will be important for all Californians. And when we defeat homophobia at the ballot box, that will be a first, and that will be historic. And worthy of a great deal of pride. We LGBT and justice-loving Californians need a little of that pride restored.

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