“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 36

Helen and I bring news of a challenge to Uncle Bobby’s Wedding, the children’s book about gay guinea pigs (see SGMP 18 and 22), and a librarian’s thoughtful response. We also continue our discussion from last week about kids and homophobia, and talk about how to prepare our children, educate educators, and find allies.

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4 thoughts on ““She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 36”

  1. First of all, I’d like to say how much I enjoy your vlog. I tune in regularly — though I am still a college student, and (as far as I know), don’t intend to have children. I watch because I enjoy the sincerity and humor with which you approach these issues. I’ve never personally known a settled queer couple, let alone one with a child, and so watching this vlog is very reassuring to me. I also enjoy the tips of how to blend science and play — even if I am not sure I want kids, I do love working with them.

    While I think dealing with homophobic slurs is certainly a big issue that faces LGBT children and the children of LGBT parents, I believe that understanding different value systems can be just as difficult and important to approach in discussion. Dealing with a slur from an acquaintance is certainly a shocking experience — but, there is a level of personal distance in this situation that can allow a child to write off the behavior as simply crude, misinformed, and inappropriate. However, if a good friend seriously tells the child that s/he doesn’t believe that marriage between two men or women is right, that can be very confusing. How best to deal with these sorts of situations would be an interesting topic for future discussion.

  2. Thanks, E! You’ve made our day. We’re so glad you like the vlog. You raise a very good point about the difference between hearing homophobia from a stranger or casual acquaintance vs. someone close. I’ll have to speak with Helen about it, but I think this is definitely a good topic for a future vlog.

  3. Keep up the good work. I enjoy all your product reviews as our son will be 4 soon.
    We are just starting to get into the preschool/school institution world here in conservative TX. Could you elaborate more on how you handle “FORMS” for field trips, sports associations, summer camps that always say Father and Mother. Do you cross out Father and put other parent, parent #2, etc? Do you suggest to the organization to change their forms or just hand it back edited and hope they will see the error of their ways?

    Have you or will you apply for a passport for your son? Did you encounter any problems with the Federal process considering DOMA?

    Do you make sure/feel obligated to inform other children’s parents about your “situation” before their child comes over for a playdate for the first time?
    Lastly, their is a donor sibling registry online that enables children of AI to find half-siblings. Have you all thought about this and what are your thoughts? For us, I think we will present it to our son when he is 18 or as a teen if he really wants to know or feels deprived as an only child.

  4. Hi, Dana!

    Just wanted to let you know how much I love your vlog as well! I, too, am not a parent, but it’s great to see you and Helen representing the parenting community in this way. You’re bright, talented, and warm-hearted, and your vlog is a joy to watch!

    Thanks for sharing yourself!

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