Oh, You Mean They’re Having Kids, Too?

OregonOregon moms Sally Sparks and Heather Dugas had their second child on February 10, 2008, six days after they registered as domestic partners under the state’s new law. At the hospital, however, they ran into administrative complications. The clerk did not put Dugas, the non-biological mom, on the birth certificate, but instead gave her a separate, non-legal form to indicate the names of both mothers and the child. The clerk said the form should be kept with the birth certificate until the state Department of Justice issues a ruling “on the effect of [the domestic partnership law] related to reporting parents on the birth certificate” (Portland Mercury, via Gay Rights Watch).

Given that the governor signed the domestic partnership bill into law in May 2007, you’d think they would have had time to get on top of stuff like this. In any case, Dugas may do a second-parent adoption, so that her parental status can’t be questioned outside of Oregon.

And civil unions in New Jersey? Not exactly as advertised, either.

Sigh. You want to know what the gay lifestyle is all about? Extra paperwork.

2 thoughts on “Oh, You Mean They’re Having Kids, Too?”

  1. Pingback: Mombian » Blog Archive » Weekly Political Roundup

  2. Heather Dugas

    this wasn’t about being prepared, this is about running into red tape, when there shouldn’t be any. This is about raising awareness and trying to help out those that come after us. Wouldn’t it be nice if we all channeled our energy to help each other instead of being critical of one another?

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