More Biological Exuberance

Photo (c)Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust.Following the feathered footsteps of penguins Silo and Roy and swans Romeo and Juliet (both female), flamingos Carlos and Fernanado are the latest same-sex avian pair to try parenthood.

According to the Guardian, the couple had stolen eggs before in order to raise chicks. This time, staff at the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust at Slimbridge in Gloucestershire gave them an egg from an abandoned nest, and encouraged them to look after it. The chick is now doing well under the care of its dads.

One researcher has said same-sex animal pairs are examples of “biological exuberance.” I say flamingos—in all their pink, feathered glory—are a perfect symbol for the upcoming, exuberant season of gay pride. Here’s to the happy family!

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