“In My Shoes” Documentary by Children of GLBT Parents

In My ShoesThis weekend marked the 18th annual “Creating Change” conference sponsored by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. Among other things, the conference included a screening of “In My Shoes,” a half-hour movie produced by middle and high school-aged members of COLAGE, about their experiences as children of same-sex parents. I haven’t seen the film myself, but it’s won at least one film-festival award and is available for purchase through COLAGE. (There are no direct online sales, but you can download a form to mail or fax. Note also that although I get a small referral fee from some of the product links on this page, I’m not getting one here. It just seems a worthy cause.)

Inside Bay Area has a brief article on the conference, also focusing on how the gay-rights struggle affects children. Nothing new to Mombian readers, I’m sure, but nice to see the coverage.

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