15 Things to Post About on Blogging for LGBTQ Families Day

Blogging for LGBTQ Families Day 2015It’s just over a week until the 10th Annual Blogging for LGBTQ Families Day on June 1 — and while you’re welcome to wait until then, I imagine many of you are already thinking about what to post. Here are 15 ideas to inspire you.

Some of these ideas may apply more to members of the LGBTQ community; others may apply more to allies. Keep in mind that you are not limited by these suggestions — feel free to post about anything else that inspires you, as long as it relates somehow to the topic of LGBTQ families. Photos and videos are fine, too!

As soon as you’ve posted on your own blog, a group blog where you write, or another public social media channel, please submit the link here, so I can add you to the master list that will appear here on June 1. I’ll update the list throughout the day on the 1st — but the earlier you submit, the earlier I’ll post it, and the longer your link will be visible here for all to see.

  1. An anecdote from your daily family life. Your post doesn’t need to be epic (although it can be, if that’s how you roll). Sometimes an everyday moment says it all.
  2. A story about an LGBTQ family you know. What has knowing them meant to you and/or your kids?
  3. Why you want(ed) to become a parent.
  4. One thing about your family that makes it different from most others around you, and one thing that makes it the same.
  5. How coming out or transitioning has affected your relationship(s) with your child(ren) or your parent(s).
  6. Your favorite book, movie, or TV show that includes LGBTQ parents and/or their children.
  7. How you’d incorporate LGBTQ parents or kids into an existing book, movie, or TV show that doesn’t have them.
  8. How a law or court ruling for or against LGBTQ equality has affected your family or one you know.
  9. Why you support a bill or pending court ruling for LGBTQ equality.
  10. A photo or video of your family.
  11. How becoming a parent has changed your relationship with your extended family.
  12. The one thing you’d most like to tell [fill in a politician or other famous person’s name] about LGBTQ families.
  13. How your faith informs your parenting or your views on LGBTQ families.
  14. A poem about your family or a family you know.
  15. Your favorite family activity.

Please also help spread the word of the event beforehand to bloggers that you know!

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