Gay Dads to be Special Guests at State of the Union

U.S. CapitolGay dads Jeff and Todd Delmay, plaintiffs in the National Center for Lesbian Rights’ Florida marriage equality case, will attend tonight’s State of the Union address as special guests of Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz. They might not be the only gay dads there, however.

The Delmays wed on January 5th, the second same-sex couple to marry in Florida. Here’s a photo of the Delmay’s with their son, on Freedom to Marry’s Facebook page.

Wasserman Schultz drew on her own parenting experience to explain to the Miami Herald why she invited the Delmays, “For me, as a Jewish mother, I have to tell you, that is a big part of why I asked the Delmays to join me as my guests at the State of the Union…. the union between two people and the ability to raise a family and to model the values that we all embrace is just so incredibly special and important.”

The other likely gay dad at the State of the Union tonight will be U.S. Rep. Jared Polis of Colorado. I actually don’t know for certain that he’ll be in attendance, but as most members of Congress usually are, it’s probably a good bet.

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