Stories of Parents with HIV/AIDS

AIDS RibbonToday is World AIDS Day, and it’s worth checking out these sites and writers who are sharing stories of parents with HIV/AIDS, from their own perspectives and those of their children.

  • Abigail Garner, author of the highly recommended Families Like Mine: Children of Gay Parents Tell It Like It Is, has posted several excerpts from its chapter on AIDS. She includes stories of children growing up with gay parents during the AIDS crisis in the 1980s, advice on how to support children with HIV-positive parents, and tips on how both HIV-positive and HIV-negative gay parents themselves can talk with their children about their status and how they are protecting themselves.
  • HIV/AIDS site The Body, in partnership with gay dad site Gays With Kids, has posted several stories of HIV-positive fathers. (Thanks to the Family Equality Council for the tip.)
  • The Handsome Father also shares the story “Party of Five,” about a dad living with AIDS.
  • Finally, The Recollectors, a new storytelling and community-building site for those who have lost parents to AIDS, has posted several new stories. (See also my interview with one of the founders.)

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