New Site for Kids of Military Families Welcomes ALL Families

Chameleon KidsI’m very excited to share a new site for kids of military families that welcomes all families — and has a connection to my own.

My brother’s wife’s sister Amy is married to an Army officer, and they have two kids. She and two other military spouses/moms have just launched Chameleon Kids, a company dedicated to “military kids of all ages.” Their goal is “to help them see the bright side of their military life, even at the most challenging of times.” When I asked about sharing the site with Mombian readers, Amy assured me, “We are here for ALL military connected kids from all branches.”

They say on their site that the only books and online resources they could find “focused on the negatives of moving and deployments.” In contrast, they “wanted their kids to also see the happiness in their military lives.” They explain:

Children need their own way to plan for a family move, to build a positive framework for their experiences, and take ownership of their military life. They need to be able to visualize their world to be positive about future experiences. Our goal is to give you easy resources (think: quirky facts, brief “edutainment” activities, and fun ideas) so you can give your Chameleon Kids the opportunity to explore their new homes, communicate through creation, and acknowledge the happier side of military life.

They also have a darn cute logo/mascot, Miles the Chameleon, named by a boy “who recognized that military kids go ‘miles and miles’ around the world.” Chameleons colors “reflect their feelings and serve as a form of communication,” the site tells us. “So, just like our military kids, chameleons aren’t changing who they are to ‘fit in’ but are becoming even more vibrant as they face new situations.”

That’s an attitude I think many of us can appreciate.

While the site is new, they already have an active Facebook page and will be launching a quarterly magazine this coming January. Amy tells me they welcome input from milkids and parents, so check them out and share with any military families you know!

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