See the Amazing Response to Church Pride Flag Theft

Sometimes, the world renews my faith in it. Back in July, I wrote about the First Church Congregational in Rochester, New Hampshire, which had two Pride flags stolen within a week. Here’s what happened when the pastor then asked people to send in rainbow flags to cover the building.

UCC Rochester - side

UCC Rochester - front

Pretty great, hmm?

Pastor Eliza Buchakjian-Tweedy, who is raising two children with her spouse Marcey, said they received about 140 flags all together: 72 big 3’x5′ flags, about 50 12″x 18″, a dozen or so little parade-sized ones, and several handmade (kids’ drawings, quilts, tie-dyed sheet, etc.)

She explained to me that the church, part of the United Church of Christ (UCC), has been “Open and Affirming” (a UCC designation) since 2002, “[making] a specific commitment to welcome the LGBTQ community, to recognize the hurt that had been done to that community by the institutional church, and to work for justice and equality for all.”

Both their original Pride flag and its replacement were stolen this year; their flag was stolen last year as well. Rev. Eliza said that the local police and paper have supported the church after the thefts, and clergy and friends from near and far have been “amazing,” coming up with the idea to festoon the church with flags “as a sign that love wins, and we will not cave to fear or harassment.”

Although they still worry about vandalism, and Rev. Eliza and her spouse Marcey have received hate mail, she says,”Being a safe place, including our conviction that God’s love encompasses all people – no asterisks, no exceptions – is worth a little annoyance. Or more. . . . We are a safe place for all people, and I am determined that nothing will change that.”

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