6 Things I Am Grateful for on a Monday

Mondays can be rough, especially if you’re like me and not a morning person. I find it helps me to get moving, though, if I think about some of the things for which I’m grateful. Here’s today’s list, in no particular order.

Coffee cup

  1. The Actual Spring Weather we’re having here in Massachusetts (as opposed to the fake spring weather we had until about a week ago).
  2. My kitten, who curls up on my lap when I blog (even if it means I need to rest my laptop way down on my knees to make room for her).
  3. Internet video calls, which will help my spouse stay in touch while on business in Japan this week.
  4. My aforementioned spouse, not least because she puts up with my blogging.
  5. Coffee. Nice, strong coffee.
  6. My son, because he is.

What are you grateful for today?

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