A Lesbian Mom Shares Her Transracial Adoption Story

black_and_whiteKera Bolonik, a White lesbian mom, has written a must-read piece about adopting a Black son, in which she reflects on race, difference, assimilation, community, and more.

In Bolonik’s unflinching article at xoJane, she discusses the rude questions, microaggressions, and difficult advice her family encounters. She takes us through her and her wife’s process of adoption, her own experiences with racial prejudice as a child, and how they helped shaped her into the parent she is today. Regardless of your family’s race(s) or how you created it, I encourage you to give this a read.

For some other perspectives on transracial adoption, see Rick Settersten’s post at OregonLive from last August, and Stacy Cusulos and Barbara Waugh’s full-length memoir American Family: Things Racial, which I reviewed here. Or share your own story in the comments!

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