Let’s Meet in D.C.!

whitehouseI’m heading off today to our nation’s capital for the 2014 LGBT Media Journalists Convening in Washington D.C., hosted by the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association and sponsored by the Evelyn and Walter Haas Jr. Fund. We’ll be networking and discussing the theme of “Honing Our Game” — but we’ll also be having a party on Saturday night, and you’re invited!

The party will be at the Green Lantern, 1335 Green Court NW in Thomas Circle, starting at 9:30 p.m. I’d love to meet those of you in the area. You’ll also be able to hang out with other bloggers and journalists whose stuff you probably read, and ask them questions about why they write what they write (or just have a beverage together).

If you can’t make it (and trust me, I understand parenting priorities), you can follow the Twitter hashtag #LGBTMedia14 or the event’s Facebook page to be part of the conversation.

Hope to see some of you soon!

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