Post of the Week: “Boi Life: Motherhood”

Post of the WeekIn “Boi Life: Motherhood,” Lyric of Bklyn Boihood writes of being a “masculine female” who wants to have a child through pregnancy.

Lyric, a 28-year-old pre-kindergarten teacher in Washington, DC, explains:

There was really no discussion about who would conceive, because I was determined to birth our first child. Since making this decision I have received crazy looks, negative remarks and just plain bullshit. Bullshit from narrow minded people, both heterosexual and homosexual. For some unknown reason people seem to forget that underneath my sports bra and boxers I am in fact a WOMAN. I bleed every month and I do in fact have a vagina that is more than capable of conceiving a child. For as long as we have existed as humankind, there has been fear of the unknown.

She also reflects on her fears about what kind of parent she will be (something most of us can relate to), and shares a letter she has written to her unborn child. A heartfelt post well worth reading in full.

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