Weekly Political Roundup


  • President Obama continued to avoid answering questions about his stance on marriage equality.
  • The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced plans to begin collecting health data on LGBT populations.
  • Immigration officials canceled the deportation of a Venezuelan man living in New Jersey who is married to an American man.
  • President Obama nominated Robert Lee Pitman, an out gay magistrate judge, as U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Texas.
  • EqualityMaine and Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders are beginning the process of initiating a ballot measure to regain marriage equality.
  • Garden State Equality and Lambda Legal, filed a lawsuit on behalf of seven same-sex couples and their children seeking marriage equality in New Jersey.
  • The Rhode Island legislature passed a civil union bill, which the governor has said he will sign—but LGBT advocates are urging him not to, because it contains “dangerous and discriminatory” religious exemptions.

Around the world:

  • A Brazilian state judge approved the nation’s first marriage of a same-sex couple, ruling two men could convert their civil union into a full marriage.
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