Lesbian Mom Headlining Prop 8 Trial

Kris Perry is the titular plaintiff in the Perry v. Schwarzenegger case challenging the constitutionality of Prop 8. She and her partner Sandy Stier have four boys. Perry told journalist Karen Ocamb recently:

Sandy and I have both been active members of PTA and sit on education fundraising boards. We go to our kids’ athletic events. We got to school conferences. That’s what we do. It’s so much like other families.

Joining Perry and Stier as plaintiffs are Paul Katami and Jeff Zarrillo, who have no human children but do have two French bulldogs and a cat.

As I mention in my article at Keen News Service, the pro-Prop 8 defense has compiled a long list of research on marriage and families to use in the case. While some comes from dubious sources, much seems legitimate. They even cite well-regarded studies such as the National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study (see my interview with lead investigator Dr. Nanette Gartrell) and work by Dr. Abbie Goldberg (about whom see here).

How will they use this material? Stay tuned as the case unfolds.

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