Protect Maine Equality Takes the High Road

Here’s the latest ad from Protect Maine Equality. I like it a lot. I think they smartly don’t fall prey to the “Yes they will” – “No they won’t” trap that tripped up California’s No On 8 campaign when fighting the claim that marriage equality would (gasp!) mean children get taught about homosexuality in schools. Instead, they take the high road and talk about protecting all families. It’s a classy ad, and more so because they’re fighting this kind of nonsense.

1 thought on “Protect Maine Equality Takes the High Road”

  1. Kudos No on 1/Protect Maine Equality. If No on 8’s bellyflop has the capacity to do any good — as a negative example — PME is doing its all to make the best of it. This will be a very nerve-wracking next half-week ’til the election.

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