Scholastic Reverses Decision: Will Include LGBT-Inclusive Book in Book Fairs

Love Ya BunchesMany of you have been following the story of Scholastic and their request that author Lauren Myracle change the lesbian moms of one character into a mom and a dad. According to the original article on this by School Library Journal, Scholastic would not consider the book for its book fairs unless the change was made.

Over 4000 people—many of you—signed a petition at asking Scholastic to reconsider. The hard-working folks at, especially Michael Jones, editor of their Gay Rights blog, also worked behind the scenes with Scholastic, and now bring us some good news: Scholastic will now include the book in their spring book fairs.

[Update, after reader comment: Scholastic has only agreed to carry Luv Ya Bunches in their middle school Book Fairs, not their elementary school ones, even though the book is listed as appropriate for ages nine to twelve. Nine years old usually means fourth grade. Not only that, but the four protagonists of the book are in fifth grade. That’s elementary school, folks, in every school system I’ve ever known.]

Scholastic’s full statement is here. Equally important going forward, the company, which only received a 50 out of 100 on HRC’s Corporate Equality Index, is now on record as stating: “We are committed to a review process that considers all books equally regardless of their inclusion of LGBT characters and same sex parents.” That’s a far cry from their response to SLJ’s first inquiries, when they said: “Authors are often given the opportunity to make changes in the books to meet the norms of the various communities that host the fairs.”

Myracle was kind enough to respond to an e-mail I sent her, before this latest news broke. She states:

I appreciate the support of Scholastic’s Book Club, which makes books available to kids through their catalog, and which is indeed offering Luv Ya Bunches to its readers. I have recently been informed that Scholastic Book Fair is considering Luv Ya Bunches for its spring school book fairs. That’s great. It’s so very important, I think, to reflect the wonderful diversity of our country and culture. I do, however, stand by what I told School Library Journal.

7 thoughts on “Scholastic Reverses Decision: Will Include LGBT-Inclusive Book in Book Fairs”

  1. Kudos to, and to all of the bloggers (yay Mombian and Liza was here) and social media movers who spread the word. We can create the awareness that leads to change.

  2. is saying it will only be included in the MIDDLE School Book Fairs. Sorry, not good enough, recommended reading age starts at 9 and that’s Fourth Grade.

  3. Oh, very good point, Jersey Mom. Let me look into that…. (And to your point, the four main characters are in fifth grade–still elementary school.)

  4. Pingback: Mombian » Blog Archive » Yet Another Scholastic Update – with Conan O’Brien

  5. Pingback: Scholastic puts gay book back in fair :

  6. Pingback: Mombian » Blog Archive » LGBT Characters in Young Adult Literature: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

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