Signs of the Times: Boston Pride

A Mombian look at Boston Pride 2008:

Sure, there were drag queens and dykes on bikes, too, but I think they were outnumbered by the schools and church groups. Not that that’s necessarily good or bad; just a sign of change. Besides, I’m sure no small number of them had children in the schools and organizations shown above, as well.

3 thoughts on “Signs of the Times: Boston Pride”

  1. My favorite chants we did at school were:

    1, 2, 3, 4
    open up the closet door
    5, 6, 7, 8
    don’t assume your kids are straight


    What do we want?
    When do we want them?

    I was marching with the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition

  2. Pingback: Mombian » Blog Archive » San Francisco Pride, Family Style

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