Some/thing Blue

something_orange.jpgFor my third contribution to Robin Reagler’s blog carnival, here’s Some/thing Blue: the Web site of Donor Home Delivery.

A reader wrote to ask if I knew anything about this company. The Web site says it helps couples with distant known donors ship sperm safely from one place to another, ensconced in a “test yolk buffer” on a “cold pack.” Now, the best way I know to ship sperm is in a cryo tank, not on a “cold pack,” but I’m not an expert. Does anyone have experience with this company, good or bad, that you’d be willing to share in the comments? Maybe I’m just suspicious after the e-mail scam going around. I have no specific reason to believe this company is a scam, but I have no way to know if the transportation method they use is at all effective. (They are upfront in admitting that they do no screening of the sperm, something recommended for all couples using donors.)

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