Cat Cooks for Kids

Iron Chef Cat Cora appears in this month’s Parents magazine (and on their Web site), talking about cooking for her two young sons. Her youngest, at eight months, gets jarred organic food, and her four-year-old gets whatever everyone else is having. “I attribute his good eating habits, at least in part, to the fact that I hardly ever make a special meal for him.” Her other trick is to get her eldest involved in food preparation. I’ll confirm that both tips worked well with my son (and I’ll cut Cat some slack for not wanting to make her own baby food after spending all day in a kitchen). Here are my own ideas for how kids can help in the kitchen.

Cat’s partner Jennifer is shown in the background of one photo (in print, not on, though Celebrity Baby News has a scan). Jennifer isn’t mentioned in the article, however, so unless you know it’s her, you might think she was Cat’s sister. Not that there needed to be a lot about her—the article was about Cat and food—but a mention in the caption would have been nice. Another sign of ambivalence towards lesbian moms by, which got rid of the only lesbian mom blogger in their stable, Harlyn Aizley, after only six months? (Harlyn now has her own home on the Web.)

2 thoughts on “Cat Cooks for Kids”

  1. I saw this back when Celebrity Baby Blog(CBB) posted it. I still don’t understand why they didn’t include Jennifer. I was annoyed at first, until all the other people leaving comments were complaining, and not all of the were lesbians. It was nice to see the moms unite to email the publishers about the article, although it doesn’t sound like they will be jumping to make changes.

  2. Pingback: Mombian » Blog Archive » Babytalk Magazine Under Fire for Article by Lesbian Mom

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