Serious Spells for Sapphic Belles

The room was dark. “Lumos!” said the witch, and a glowing orb of light illuminated the bookshelves. The woman searched for a few minutes and then cried out in surprise. Behind a well-thumbed, leather-bound volume of Hogwarts: A History and a fraying copy of Parent Hex, was a tome covered in cruelty-free fabric (woven by a local witches’ cooperative out of organic fluxweed), written on recycled paper using soy-based inks, and promising that 10% of profits from all sales would go to the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare.

She read the first few lavender-hued pages and knew she had found it: a copy of the long-lost Serious Spells for Sapphic Belles, by Sofie T. Ball.

Herewith, an excerpt of the top 13:

  • Vehiculumotum Spell: Causes the appearance of a large vehicle for transporting household goods. Most effective when cast after the Dentispurus toothbrush-creating spell.
  • Ex Hex: Makes the victim view all women but the spell caster as irredeemably ugly. Side effects include fits of remorse and bouts of uncontrollable sobbing.
  • Dormamortis Revivo Charm: Brings a bed back to life, as it were.
  • Processus Finito Spell: A cure for the Processus Adinfinitum curse.
  • Nail-Trimming Charm: For last-minute grooming.
  • Nail-Growing Jinx: Causes a person’s fingernails to grow to unnatural size. Often used in conjunction with the Ex Hex.
  • Bigot-Bogey Hex: Causes the victim’s nasal excretions to grow and become cemented across his or her mouth. Effective against the Defenso Matrimonium curse.
  • Defurreo Charm: Removes cat hair from one’s robes or furniture.
  • Scriberosie Spell:
    casting this spell
    will make u
    or ur victim
    write like this
  • Sensibilio Charm: Transforms uncomfortable footwear.
  • Mensumsensum Spell: Causes the victim to become incapable of casting hexes, jinxes, and curses while PMS’ing.
  • Etheridgeridoo Spell: Increases the victim’s musical prowess. Side effects include the desire to hang out with ex-members of the Ministry for Magic and talk about climate change.
  • Fantasia Gymnasia Charm: Causes the victim to transform her appearance to resemble your fourth-year Quidditch coach.

(With apologies to J. K. Rowling and MuggleNet. No Harry Potter stuff tomorrow. I promise.)

1 thought on “Serious Spells for Sapphic Belles”

  1. Yet again, I am loving this spell stuff, despite my H. Potter illiteracy. The “Processus Finito Spell: A cure for the Processus Adinfinitum curse” is one our household dearly needs. And a major wink and nod on the Nail-Trimming Charm and Jinx. Thank you.

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