Preschool Craft Ideas

As the weather turns cooler for many of us, it’s always nice to have a line up of indoor activities for the little ones. Here are a few simple ones. (Of course, if you can get outside to enjoy the last few weeks of summer, by all means do so.)

  • From Martha Stewart Kids comes a recipe for non-toxic homemade finger paint.
  • Placemats made with cookie-cutter stamps sound like fun. (Or just use any piece of your little Picasso or Cassatt’s artwork, and press it between two sheets of contact paper.
  • Oatmeal boxes can be made into numerous items, from drums to witches to a four-part bank. You can also simply cut the end off and slice it lengthwise to create a tunnel for a wooden train set. (Glue on some construction paper or paint it with acrylic paints.)
  • I also like the idea of making building blocks from styrofoam meat trays, but would caution you to wash the trays thoroughly first. For vegetarians, try making nightlight covers from empty tofu containers. They also make good paint mixing bowls for other projects.

And don’t forget there’s a fine line between Play-Doh and cookie dough. Having kids help in the kitchen can be as entertaining as any “artsy” craft. I recently wanted to cook some eggplant slices, so I had my three-year-old “paint” them with oil using a basting brush before I put them on the grill.

Other ideas welcome. Leave a comment!

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